Single Wagonload
What is Single Wagonload about?
All conventional rail freight transports of single wagons or groups of wagons (smaller than a full train load) are classified as Wagonload.
Single Wagonload cornerstones
- More than 12,000 access points are listed for rail freight services in Europe
- Wagonload represents about 25-30 % of all rail freight traffic in Europe expressed in ton-km (Source: Eurostat, country reports)
- About two-thirds of all European Single Wagonload traffic is cross-border
- Single Wagonload is by far the most eco-friendly and sustainable transport mode for continental truck load shipping
How does Single Wagonload work?
The Wagonload transport starts with feeding single wagons or wagon groups from their origin to the first collecting spot. In a next step, the wagons are assembled to a full train for the respective line haul. After the transport, wagons or wagon groups are distributed to their final destination.
Single Wagonload services
- Potential access points for Wagonload are customer sidings, public freight stations, terminals or rail ports as well as river ports with rail connection
- Feeding and distributing of wagons or group of wagons from their origin / to their delivery destination are executed by local service teams of the respective local Wagonload provider, using specific short-haul equipment
- Grouping and sorting can take place either at dedicated marshalling yards where trains are disassembled and groups of wagons are sorted to build new line-haul trains or via a more simplified setup with removal or adding of wagons at intermediate shunting stops
- Border-crossing line-haul trains regularly connect marshalling yards and build the backbone of the international Wagonload network
- Value added services e.g. Track & Trace, customs clearance, weighing, etc. are provided on top of the basic services upon customer need